Directed by Dr. Ralph Bieg, Physician Training Centre in Vancouver Canada offers a variety of “hands-on” training in anti-ageing services to increase health professionals’ income earning capabilities.
Certification on completion of courses on Botox and Dermal fillers like Juvederm and Restylane, qualify for Continuing Medical Education (CME) Credits. Doctors, Dentists and Registered Nurses will have the confidence and competency to begin injecting immediately.
Medical Doctors can also learn Fat dissolving techniques with Dr. Bieg’s unique “Fat dissolving formula” in “hands-on” training sessions.
Doctors, Nurses, and Estheticians may attend Medical Esthetics courses in the theory and “hands-on” applications of various laser systems.
For registration, information, and course dates visit Call 1-877-SKIN-PTC (1-877-754-6782)