  • Champion Pet Foods Ltd.

    5.0  1 review
    9503 90 Ave,
    Morinville AB, T8R 1K7
    ~ 40 employees work at this location
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    City of Cambridge
    Cambridge, ON


    5.0 out of 5 stars, based on 1 rating. 1 user review.
    Reviewed by 1 customer

    By from Edmonton
    Customer Review
    I love this food, because our dog loves it! About 5 years ago, our vet recommended a different food for our Olde Bulldogge because of allergy problems that affected her ears. I bought the one he recommended, then decided to try your food after reading the ingredients. Skye has eaten it since. I always bought it at Global pet foods, because they were close, & they offered the "buy 7- get the 8th bag free".. I don't know if your company will care about this or not, but, I'll tell you anyway. They used to keep track of purchases on cards, with customer name, # of bags bought, etc. Then they changed to plastic cards that were swiped each time. The problem...they lost my old card (paper one) so they had no record of my purchases. I know for a fact I was either one or two bags away from my free bag, (you look forward to that when you're spending $70 or $80 on food) Then, they changed it to buy 8 get #9 free. The second last time I bought it, I used my customer card, and. they had no record AGAIN! The manager gave me 20% off..yay! That doesn't compare to the price of a bag of food! There was another couple there who was having the same issue..no record of their purchases. I got one more bag since (a few months ago) but can't afford it right now. If you are giving them some kind of allowance, or discount for this program, you may want to look into it, in case it's not just customers they're ripping off. Sorry for being so long winded.. I'd still buy your food if I could! And I recommend it to friends & family :) I believe it's the best choice available!
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