Location Wise Solutions Consulting Inc.
“Wise Decisions, Improved Results”
Are you or your company looking for the best location to open up a business? We can help!
Are you having trouble deciding where to advertise or distribute your ads / flyers? We can help!
Are you interested in knowing more about your customers or your competition? We can help!
Location Wise Solutions Consulting offers a variety of services that will assist you with any of your location planning and geographic analysis needs. We have over 15 years of combined experience in the Canadian retail industry evaluating locations for site selection decisions. We use the latest GIS and census technologies to define market areas, analyze demographics, create population profiles, and to help create professional reports. We can create maps to visualize your data, see the locations of your stores, competitors, barriers, traffic and other relevant information. We provide site selection and market analysis services such as measuring trade area performance, finding new markets and opportunities for your business, evaluating your current locations, designing custom geographic surveys for you business. Let us help you and your business make the smart decisions in order to achieve great results today and in the future.
Our Services:
- Market Research - Location Planning
- Site Selection - Site Evaluation
- Demographic Analysis - Ad/flyer Distribution
- GIS - Market Analysis
- Trade Area Analysis - Population Projections
- Market Share Analysis - Retail Planning
- Mapping - Geocoding / Postal Data
- Customer Analysis - Land Use Planning
- Market Forecasting - Spatial Analysis
- Customer Distribution - Competitive Analysis
- Traffic Data - Many other services
- Custom Services for your needs as well