Ontario Solar is a solar energy provider which specializes in solar panels under the Microfit program. Under the Microfit program, homes and residential areas are now allowed the have access to Solar Energy through solar panels. This is revolutionary since it allows normal people to receive solar energy which has many benefits.
Some of these benefits include:
Lower Electric Bills
Lower chance of power outages
Much higher chances for Energy Rebates
Power during energy crises
And many more!
Ontario Solar is dedicated to providing all people across Ontario with renewable green energy. We are also going to offer net metering in the summer and because of this, will be quite a diversified company. If you are interested in our programs or, you want to see what we are all about - visit our website or give us a call. We are always willing to speak over the phone or email about who we are and what we do. Remember, the only thing that renewable energy hurts is, the pocket book of giant energy conglomerates.